Samuel Hunt - Project: In Flight Entertainment prototyping @ Air New Zealand
Samuel Hunt
Air New Zealand

In-flight entertainment

Role Prototyping
Date 2018


Create a prototype to test new designs for the in-flight entertainment about us section.

The mission

Air New Zealand has been re-designing the In-Flight Entertainment (IFE) systems that will roll out to the new fleet over 2018-2019. The entire system is getting an overhaul from the OS running through to the visual design.

The new design of the IFE shows off exactly what Unison, the new design system can do, with the new interface being created fully within the new Unison guidelines.

Tools used

My role

My role was to create a prototype that felt as close to the real experience as possible to user test the designs to ensure they were intuitive and useful for the user. The key reason for this was to test animations and interactions that the user would be able to do.

This was for the section of the IFE that is all about Air New Zealand. Most specifically, the fleet and the executive team.

The prototype

The prototype was used to help convey animations visual changes to the developers. See the blur effect along the top, and the way content scrolls across the page. This was one of the possible versions that was designed to show the fleet.

This section of the prototype explores how content can be browsed, including images sticking when the content is related to it, and the timeline automatically scrolling when the user enters a new section.

This is a version of the fleet page. The key difference between this one and the one on the right is the starting page includes a different background until the user scrolls envokes an action to change.

This is the same as the prototype on the left, except this section doesn't include a different starting image and goes straight into the fleet. This prototype was used to build out the main fleet information.

This section explores another way we can show information, and tested the way users could interact. Through swiping up, the content will animate over to the next person. This would mean there is always one executive member in focus at a time.

Finally, this section explore how a user could navigate our new route maps on the IFE, and explored a modal design to see regions in more detail.