Samuel Hunt

User Experience designer / Creative Technologist

Hi, I'm Sam. I have a deep passion for technology and ensuring it is a useful and delightful tool we use - not a hindrance to our lives.

I spend a lot of my time exploring new technology for insights and how our interactions with this technology can be improved.

In my day-to-day life I have a specific focus on User Experience, drawing upon a transdisciplinary approach to whatever is in front of me.

I have a fascination about the question why. It's probably the most annoying thing about working with me. I want to know that the problem we are exploring is the right problem, and the solution that we are designing is the best solution possible.

Aisde from my profound facination with the word why, and experience design, I have a love for creating music, travelling (to Japan mostly) and dreaming of stupid ideas of how I can spruce up my home life with silly contraptions (which almost never make it to fruition).

Tl;dr... I like to make things look pretty and intuitive, without losing out on key functionality.

My personal philosophy

I'm always obsessing with how I can improve myself both personally and professionally. If you have worked with me, I value any and all feedback. If we have worked together previously, I invite you to help me improve by dropping me a line.